Welcome to my Word of the Week
Eleemosynary (This is my all-time favourite word in the English language.)
el·ee·mos·y·nar·y [el-uh-mos-uh-ner-ee, -moz-, el-ee-uh-] adjective meaning:
"A fair young girl, dressed in white . . . threw forth as much as her two small hands could hold of some kind of food for the flock of eleemosynary doves . . . How like a dove she is herself . . . The other doves know her for a sister . . ."
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Marble Faun
lex·eme [lek-seem] noun
el·ee·mos·y·nar·y [el-uh-mos-uh-ner-ee, -moz-, el-ee-uh-] adjective meaning:
- of or pertaining to alms, charity, or charitable donations; charitable.
- derived from or provided by charity.
- dependent on or supported by charity: an eleemosynary educational institution.
"A fair young girl, dressed in white . . . threw forth as much as her two small hands could hold of some kind of food for the flock of eleemosynary doves . . . How like a dove she is herself . . . The other doves know her for a sister . . ."
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Marble Faun
- the act of murmering: the utterance of low continuous sounds or complaining noises --the murmuration of the crowds, the ceaseless, inarticulate murmuration of prayer
- of starlings : flock: in the stackyard there was a great murmuration of starlings
lex·eme [lek-seem] noun
- a lexical unit in a language
- a vocabulary item
itinerant, wandering, meandering, or walking about.
Take me to any great city in the world and my mind will awake with peripatetic curiosity.
- S
characteristic of or resembling a seraph or seraphim
"a seraphic smile"
synonyms:blissful, beatific, sublime, rapturous, ecstatic, joyful, rapt
Take me to a lake, an ocean, a river or a mountain, and my soul will soar with seraphic delight!
-- S
expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one.
"a tendentious reading of history"
Pretty much unfailingly, an American and a Canadian history buff discussing the War of 1812 will each give you their tendentious version of history. (Spoiler alert: the Canadian's version will be closer to the truth!)
-- S
expressing severe anxiety about running out of wine during Covid-19
expressing a severe dislike of a a pathological liar, sociopath and megalomaniac with the power of a demigod, the brains of a gnat and the initials "DT."
itinerant, wandering, meandering, or walking about.
Take me to any great city in the world and my mind will awake with peripatetic curiosity.
- S
characteristic of or resembling a seraph or seraphim
"a seraphic smile"
synonyms:blissful, beatific, sublime, rapturous, ecstatic, joyful, rapt
Take me to a lake, an ocean, a river or a mountain, and my soul will soar with seraphic delight!
-- S
expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one.
"a tendentious reading of history"
Pretty much unfailingly, an American and a Canadian history buff discussing the War of 1812 will each give you their tendentious version of history. (Spoiler alert: the Canadian's version will be closer to the truth!)
-- S
- a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage.
"black is in zugzwang"
expressing severe anxiety about running out of wine during Covid-19
expressing a severe dislike of a a pathological liar, sociopath and megalomaniac with the power of a demigod, the brains of a gnat and the initials "DT."